Step into a world where luxury meets beauty with our exclusive Golden Money Bouquet. Featuring the opulence of a fifty or hundred (depends on bouquet value) of $1, $5 and $10 bills (depends on bouquet value) paired with the timeless charm of 20 gold silk roses, this arrangement is more than a gift - it's a statement of sophistication and grandeur.
Whether you're in Burbank or planning a delivery to Los Angeles, ordering this masterpiece is simple and hassle-free. Browse our collection, select the Golden Money Bouquet, and let it speak volumes about your refined taste and generosity.
Redefine the art of gifting with this extraordinary bouquet, designed to leave a lasting impression. Order the Golden Money Bouquet today and elevate your celebrations with unmatched luxury in Burbank, Glendale and Los Angeles, CA.
Please Read Carefully:
Shipping is not available. All orders must be picked up in-store.
Important Verification Requirements
To ensure secure transactions, we require the following for order pickup:
- A valid photo ID matching the name on the credit/debit card.
- An ID check is required upon pickup.
- Payment can be made via cash upon pickup.
For Cash Payments:
If you wish to pay with cash, you will need to place your order via phone or email. Please contact us at 747-329-5821 or to arrange your order. Payment will be made upon arrival at the time of pickup.
If you are unable to meet these requirements, we kindly ask that you refrain from placing an order. Your security and satisfaction are our top priorities.
Order Policy
Orders that do not meet verification requirements will be canceled.
Pickup Details
- Assembly Time: Money Bouquets require at least 48 hours for preparation and are subject to availability.
- Scheduling: Please coordinate a pickup time during checkout. Same-day pickups are not available.
Thank you for choosing us to make your gifts both luxurious and unforgettable! For inquiries or custom orders, feel free to call us at 747-329-5821.